
You Can Hear Your Life (Excerpts from the book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay)

I read this book during the lockdown and when I was in home isolation undergoing post Corona medication. I found it interesting, a different approach to life and wellbeing, I am sharing excerpts from this book. Hope you too may find it useful and interesting. इस दुनिया में असंभव कुछ भी नहीं | हम वो सब कर सकते है , जो हम सोच सकते है और हम वो सब सोच सकते है , जो आज तक हमने नहीं सोचा |   1.     Life Is Really Very Simple What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. Everyone is responsible for everything in one’s life, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak creates our experiences. Our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe i.e. what I believe about myself and about life becomes true for me. And we have unlimited choices about what we can think. The universe totally supports us in every thought we choos

Nominee, Heir and Will

Introduction: This topic is very important for all of us. The article is written based on various contents available on social media and online portals. Most of the sources seem to have incomplete information & were found to differ in certain content with overall lack of clarity. The discrepancies were studied, understood researched to arrive at appropriate information based on most authentic data available. The reason for sharing this information is to remove ambiguity and lack of clarity in the subject matter, and provide as much authentic information as possible, as it is of importance to all of us. I continue to research the subject and would request readers to provide genuine feedback if they find anomalies, missing links, or suggest corrections/updates if any. Is Legal Heir and Nominee the same?  Many of us may not be aware of this legal twist. Will your Nominee get and own all the money legally from your Life Insurance Policy, Bank Deposits, and investments in Mutual funds

Financial Definitions, Concepts and Description of Various Investment Plans

  1.    Financial Planning: Personal finance, as a term, covers the concepts of managing your money, saving, and investing. Identifying suitable asset classes for investment, and estimating individual’s financial road map based on current income & expenditure, and future goals is called Financial Planning. When there is no clarity or we are not sure or we do not understand what to do, we leave it and take no action. Same thing happens with Financial Planning. Many are not aware what it is and why it is required, and how to commit on long term basis. Ariely said: When it comes to physical world, we understand our limitations and build around them. We use steps, ramps and elevators and many other things that we create when we find a need in our day-to-day life. But for some reason when we design things like health care, retirement and stock markets, we somehow forget the idea that we are limited. Such things are not visible in your daily life, so you don’t address it immediate